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Vision and Values

South Kirkby Academy is a junior school based in the heart of the ex-mining town South Kirkby situated in Wakefield district.  We have space for 240 children across eight classes.


South Kirkby is a small town with a rich history: it was first mentioned in 1086 in the Domesday Book, and South Kirkby retains the site of the original Saxon settlement. The town is also home to South Kirkby Colliery football club, who have competed in the FA Cup many times in their history. South Kirkby Academy works closely with Common Road Infant School – a Wakefield Local Authority School – as most learners in Year 2 then attend South Kirkby Academy in Year 3. The school’s former name was ‘Stockingate Mill Junior School’; this photo from 1919 shows Kirkby Mill, a previous tower windmill for corn. The foundations and some of the wall are still on our school playground.

File:Kirkby Mill at South Kirkby, West Yorkshire, England.jpg

Our vision is to create a vibrant, inclusive, safe and nurturing school, transforming life chances for children through excellent teaching, learning and opportunity.

Our aims: 

To deliver teaching and learning excellence to all children.
To provide opportunity and create life-long learners through a wide and enriching curriculum.
To nurture our children and families by providing a hub of support at the heart of the community.
To prepare our children for ‘Life Outside Kirkby’.

Our School Priorities 2024-2025:

  • Improve outcomes in reading, writing and maths.
  • Further improve quality of education by developing the school’s curriculum offer.
  • Improve the quality of assessment practice.
  • Further develop the curriculum offer of learners with SEND.
  • Further improve attendance.

Our Academy Trust

Since September 2016 we have been a proud member of Waterton Academy Trust, providing even more opportunities for our children to shine. Waterton Academy Trust’s motto is ‘Where Success is a Shared Experience’.

Our School Values

Our School Values

Be respectful, be kind, be inclusive, be safe and be independent.

Our School Motto

Our School Motto

Be brave, dream BIG!

Our Golden Rule

Our Golden Rule

We make sure that everyone is safe, happy and learning.

The SKA Way – Be Brave, Dream BIG!

South Kirkby Academy has five core values and a ‘golden rule’ which underpin everything that we do.We call this ‘The SKA Way’.



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