Personal Development is at the heart of South Kirkby Our entire school ethos is built upon a far-reaching and inclusive PD offer.
We believe that every child who walks through our doors should have access to not only the best academic offer, but also the best personal development offer that meets the needs of our children and community. Our PD offer is highly-personalised, highly inclusive and provides our children with he skills, knowledge, support and opportunities to become well-rounded members of our local community, and the wider world. Personal Development is a golden thread through school, interwoven into all curriculum areas of daily life and right down to the conversations we have with our children. We aim for every child to leave South Kirkby with the skillset to make a positive contribution and value everyone, and themselves. We deliver Personal Development through four key strands: Values & Virtues, Curriculum & Experiences, Support & Pastoral and Community & Wider World.
Personal Development Documents
See below for various documents relating to our Personal Development curriculum.

Our PD Overview
Download Document
SMSC Progression
Download Document